About the Journal

About the Journal

Western Journal of Medical and Biomedical Sciences (WJMBS) is the official journal of University of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Basic Clinical Sciences, Ondo-city, Ondo State Nigeria.

WJMBS is a quarterly double-blind, peer-reviewed, online and print institutional journal. The journal invites high quality or cutting-edge research works from all fields of medical and biomedical sciences for publication consideration.

Periodicity of Publication

The WJMBS publishes quarterly. The issues are in March, June, September, and December. The journal may also publish supplementary copies, special theme issues of special editions as may be decided from time to time by the journal editorial board. The editorial board will ensure that accepted articles are published within three months from the date of initial manuscript submission.

Type of manuscripts

Letter to editor/short communication
Case report
Original research article
Review article
Photo Quiz