
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission’s compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
Author Guidelines
Type of manuscripts
Letter to editor/short communication
Case report
Original research article
Review article
Photo Quiz

Article Processing/Publication Fee
The journal requires authors to pay a processing/publication fee of Fifty thousand Nigerian naira (₦50,000), or one hundred and fifteen (115.00) USD only for international Authors. Authors may be required to pay cash, by bank draft, or by transfer into the journal account after the manuscript has been accepted for publication.

Journal Account Details:
Account Name: Anya Publishers. Ltd
Bank Name: Fidelity Bank
Acct. No: 5601148716

Preparation of original research manuscripts
writing Style

All submitted manuscripts should be written in British English with correct syntax, grammar, and punctuation. Authors are to use Times New Roman & font size 12.

The Manuscript Structure
Original manuscripts should follow this order, where applicable.
Name(s) of Author(s)
Address of Author(s)
Materials & Methods
Tables, figures, etc
conflict of interests

The authors should please comply strictly with this format for original manuscripts.

Maximum length
The text of original research articles should not exceed 4,500 words (including abstracts, references, legends, tables, and figures).

unit of measurement
The authors are to express all measurements & quantities in SI Units.

The title should be concise and reflect the nature of the research and findings. The title should not be more than 150 characters.

The author(s) should provide their email addresses, full names, and institutional affiliations. The corresponding author’s contact details, especially e-mail address and telephone number, should also be provided.
(Email addresses of other co-authors should be provided in the cover letter.)

The abstract should have a maximum word count of 250. There should be no paragraphing of the abstract (unstructured abstract).

A maximum of seven relevant 7 keywords, in alphabetical order, should be provided for indexing and coding.

The main body of the article text

This should consist of a maximum of 4,250 words and be sectioned into the introduction or background, materials and methods, results, discussions, conclusion, recommendation, and limitation.

This section should contain concise background information to the research, justification, hypotheses and objectives with citation of the relevant references.

Materials and Methods
The authors should provide details of the research design, materials and equipment used, and any other details that will permit the reproduction of similar results by other researchers. An explicit description of interventions (or treatments) should be given. Subjects, inclusion, and exclusion criteria must be stated. Statistical tests or tools for the analysis of data, including the version of software employed, must be provided. There must be a clear demonstration that ethical clearance was obtained before the commencement of the study and that all relevant regulations were followed for both human and animal studies. The anonymity of patients or diagnostic materials must be preserved.

This section must be explicit, concise, and free from any form of ambiguity or unnecessary repetition. Tables and figures should be placed, as much as possible, in proximity to the part of the text referring to them. The pictures must be of very good quality. All illustrative items must have an in-text reference, be annotated, and contain clear descriptive legends.

The results of the research should be discussed with particular attention to interpretation. A well-structured discussion will state the main findings, the strengths and weaknesses of the study in comparison with similar studies, unanswered questions, and future directions.

A brief summary of key findings, implications, and future research.

Significant contributors, if any, to the research who do not qualify as authors may be acknowledged.

conflict of interest
The author(s) must issue a statement concerning conflicts of interest in performing or reporting the research.

Check here for guidelines on how to prepare Short Communication

Referencing Style for WJMBS
The journal adopts the Vancouver referencing style recommended at the 1978 International Committee of Medical Journal Editors conference in Vancouver.

Text Citations
Reference numbers within the text should be in superscript at the end of a sentence, placed after the full stop. it should also be placed after a comma, as the case may be. All et al. should be in italics, followed by either a full stop or a comma, as the case may be. The actual authors can also be referred to, but the reference number must always be given.

Reference List:
-General Guide
The reference list comes at the end of your document. Number the references in the list in the order in which they appeared in the text. List the authors’ names, starting with surnames, followed by a maximum of two initials. The initials should NOT be separated with a full stop or a comma. The authors’ names should be separated with a comma and Full stop should follow the final name.
Where there are more than six (6) authors the first 6 should be listed followed by ‘et al. and a full stop.

Specific Reference Examples

Print journal article reference

  1. Denning PJ, Campbell RT, John HT. Computational thinking in science. Am Sci 2017;105(2):13-17.

Online journal article reference

  1. Kistner S, Vollmer R, Burns BD, Kortenkamp U. Model development in scientific discovery learning with a computer-based physics task. Comput Human Behav [Internet]. 2016 Feb 20 [cited 2017
    Feb 13]; 59: 446-455. Available from

Referencing a Print Book

  1. Susskind L, Hrabovsky G. The theoretical minimum: what you need to know to start doing physics. London: Allen Lane; 2013. 256p.

Referencing an e-book:

  1. Bonitz M, Lopez J, Becker K, Thomsen H, editors. Complex plasmas: scientific challenges and technological opportunities [Internet]. New York: Springer; 2014. 491 p. Available from:

Referencing a chapter in an edited book

  1. Kelsey S. Aristotle on interpreting nature. In: Leunissen M, editor. Aristotle’s physics: a critical guide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2015. 31-45 p.

Referencing a chapter in an E-book

  1. Watermann T, Scherrer A, Sebastiani D. Linear response methods in quantum chemistry. In: Bach V, Delle Site L, editors. Many-electron approaches in physics, chemistry and mathematics: a multidisciplinary approach [Internet]. New York: Springer; 2014. 97-110 p. Available from

Citation from unpublished work

  1. Eke B. Evaluation of frequency of abdominal surgeries at Benue State University Teaching Hospital Makurdi Nigeria. Ph.D. Thesis, 2017, Benue State University Makurdi Nigeria. 253pp.

Article submission
Articles may be submitted online here to the Editor-in-Chief or as an email attachment to . Articles submitted to the journal should not have been submitted for peer–review in another journal simultaneously, nor previously published. A research report submitted simultaneously to two journals or submitted twice for publication will attract appropriate sanctions.

Cover Letter
Each submission should be accompanied by a cover letter in a Microsoft Word file. The content of the letter should include, a statement that:

  1. The research is original and has not been submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere;
  2. Potential conflict(s) of interest(s) do or do not exist;
  3. The manuscript has been read and approved by all the authors.
  4. E-mail addresses of all Co-Authors should be included.

Check here for Guideline on how to prepare Short Communication